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Suresnes is a town betwenn Paris and Nanterre
in the west of the French capital
on the other side of the Bois de Boulogne.
It is part of the department Hauts de Seine (92)
part of the region Ile de France.

The industrial revolution radically transformed
the appearance of Suresnes. The old aristocratic and bourgeois residences give way to aeronautical and automobile factories. The vines disappear and villas or workers' housing are created on their site.

The city's rich cultural heritage is evident in its impressive Château de Suresnes,
the Musée du Vieux Suresnes, and the numerous artisan workshops that line its streets.
One vineyard remains on the top os Suresnes.

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Rent Appartments from Suresnes

Suresnes is also known for
Urban History Museum

Books about Suresnes

Souvenirs of the Bois de Boulogne
The Bois de Boulogne, a 846 ha large park
was created between 1853 and 1857
during the Second Empire.
The river Seine seperates the bois from Suresnes.

Rent cars near Suresnes
Hertz has a nearby car rental agency
2 avenue de la Porte Saint Cloud
75016 Paris
+33 1 46 51 12 31

Hertz logo 125x125

To find people of companies
from Suresnes
please go to
Phone Book of the World

Tourist and Travel information
can be found in the
Phone Book of the World /

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View on the View on Suresnes University, photo by Moonik